Obsidian ebony videos

Part of ThermalWood Canada’s marketing strategy is to get our Obsidian ebony in the hands of trusted luthiers. None of these videos are paid promotions. We sent samples out luthiers who were interested in running it through different tests, and in some cases, completing a full build with it.

Different types of ebony are on the CITES list of endangered species, and we believe that it’s time to switch over to a real wood sustainable alternative, without sacrificing the quality of the product.

These videos are to show you that our Obsidian ebony is more than just a dark piece of wood that resembles traditional ebony. This product works like ebony as well. On this page you’ll find videos from respected luthiers such as, Robbie O’Briend, Ted WoodFord, Trevor Woodland and more.

So if you don’t believe us that this product is a great alternative for ebony, then click below and listen to the experts.

Phoenix rising part 1 & 2

CMR Woodworks & Guitars/ Obsidian ebony

Ted Woodford

O’Brien Guitars

Guitar MD

Danny lewis guitar build out of wood and jeans? / obsidian ebony

Sweet T Guitars fretboard radius jig

Vigilant Guitars

Michael J King