Mystery & Style: A Look Inside The Mystery Market and The Gentlemen’s Lounge

On Main Street, inside the Gentlemen’s Lounge Barbers, is a shop that’s sure to have something you’ll find interesting. The Mystery Market has something for everyone. The shop is filled with fossils, stones, jewelry, charms, shirts, posters, and more.

The owner of the shop, Danielle Macneil, is originally from Ontario and found herself living in Dalhousie. After a chance encounter with Nicco Giovanni Scichilone, the owner of the Gentlemen’s Lounge Barbers, at Bootlegger, they decided there was a connection and an opportunity to work together.

“It was all kind of last minute,” says Danielle. “We had a friend working in this room, and when she got another job, I told her I’d take over the lease, and that was what happened.”

The Mystery Market has been open since October, but they feel they’re really getting into the swing of things now. After some renovations, they feel like things are truly getting started.

The main day for the Mystery Market is Saturdays, which is where the idea of calling it a market came from. However, the Gentlemen’s Lounge Barbers is open seven days a week, and someone from the barbershop will come and help you at The Mystery Market if you need a hand.

If you’re looking to see some pictures of the shop, you should definitely follow them on Facebook, which you can do here. Any updates and pictures of the shop will be posted there.

We also had a chance to speak with Nicco of The Gentlemen’s Lounge Barbers, who has been operating at 100 Main Street for seven years now. He’s been cutting hair since he was sixteen years old and says that it’s in his blood.

“My grandfather and my great-grandfather were barbers, and it’s in my blood.”

Now, The Gentlemen’s Lounge has five barbers working around the clock and a large clientele. They’re planning on adding a tattoo artist soon.

The Mystery Market and The Gentlemen’s Lounge Barbers are completely unique. If you’re looking to browse a selection of merchandise from all over the world, The Mystery Market is a great place. And if you’re looking for a haircut from a friendly and knowledgeable staff, you’re also in the right place.

We want to thank Danielle and Nicco for being on The Northern Heat Report. We received a message after the interview about their appreciation for what we do to help small businesses, and that really put into perspective why we do what we do.

The Chaleur Region is filled not only with entrepreneurs but with creative entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid to think outside the box and bring new and unique concepts to the area. And we’ll always promote that because we feel that’s what makes the Chaleur Region so special.

So again, a big thank you to our guests. We wish you the best. That’s another edition of The Northern Heat Report, the place you come to listen to the stories that have not been discovered yet.