Meet LM Plumbing Ltd: Bathurst’s Newest Plumbing Team

There’s a new plumbing company in town. LM Plumbing Ltd. was formed last July by journeyman Red Seal Plumber Luc Vienneau. After working for several companies over the past twenty years, Luc decided it was time to branch off on his own.

LM Plumbing Ltd. is a team of five, including Accounting Manager Martin K. Aziakpor, Executive Director and Apprentice Plumber Sarah Dalpé, Owner and Red Seal Plumber Luc Vienneau, Apprentice Plumber Josh Hussey, and Licensed Plumber Yves G.

The team covers all of northern New Brunswick, including Campbellton, Bathurst, Miramichi, and the Acadian Peninsula. They offer a wide range of services, including installations, repairs, ventilation systems, oil tanks, wells, septic tanks, and more.

We spoke with Executive Director Sarah Dalpé about which plumbing issues are the most prevalent in the area. She said that many of the issues they’ve faced over the last few months involve frozen pipes and a lack of running water. Many senior citizens have bought houses decades ago which have some problems, but nothing that LM Plumbing couldn’t handle. 

LM Plumbing Ltd. are active on their Facebook page, which you can follow here. They offer maintenance tips that could help you save money and avoid headaches. You’ll also find monthly draws. Last month’s prize was a $25 gift card of your choice if you could spot their logo in the city. For St Patrick’s Day, the winner will receive two tickets to see any local band of their choice. They’ll be running these draws every month, and in December, they plan to hold a fundraiser and offer a client free labor if they provide the materials.

LM Plumbing Ltd. is a perfect example of a business that knows how to engage with the community. They care, and their dedication to the region shows.

For those who might be interested in plumbing as a career, there are options available in the Bathurst area, and LM Plumbing is even taking on apprentices. It’s a rewarding career filled with opportunities.

We want to thank Sarah for taking the time to speak with us and for letting us know about another new business in the Bathurst area. We wish them all the success, and if you want to learn more about this as a career choice or need their services, you can reach them in a few different ways.

You can contact them through their Facebook page, Google, by calling 226-7675, or via email at

Again, thank you to LM Plumbing Ltd. That’s it for another edition of The Northern Heat Report, the place you come to hear the stories that have not yet been discovered.